On Thursday the 31 October the whole school had an event for Halloween. There was:
· a haunted house in the art room
· spiders at the canteen
· toilet paper mummies in the hall
· guessing competition in the hall
· apple bobbing on the playground
· donut eating race in the oosh
· stick the tail on the cat under the old bubbler shed
· spider art in the library
· face paint in the computer room
· disco in the Miners classroom
· piñata under the cola.
We just wanted to say a big thanks to Miss Knight for organising the haunted house and thank you to Shanyka, Dylan, Raine, Declan, Molly, Cassidy, Callum and Kyra for helping to organise and scare everyone, and also thanks to all the teachers and parents for helping organise everything else. We loved to see all the costumes everyone had, they all looked so different and amazing. We hope everyone had a great Halloween and a fun time trick-or-treating.
By Kyra and Shanyka
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